Tuesday, November 3, 2009

geez could I be more busy??

well we did the kitchen remodel and all the house renos are finally done

Now to get back to scrapping!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So Colin said....

That I can't buy any more purses.... no one said I couldn't make them for myself!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

ok I will get better at this.

Totally fell off the bandwagon, but I'm back now.. On a brand new iMac that I have spent the last 2 hours trying to figure out how to get photos off my camera, open them in photoshop, save them as jpegs then upload them.  I think I have the bugs all worked out now.

Now what I have I ben up to?? BAKING
So much baking

I had to do almost 40 of these for a bunch of volonteers as thanks you's for all their hard work this year.

Then there was Christmas stuff.  I had to make jewelry, make gift cards, make christmas cards, make digital albums, load digital picture frames and hand paint/embellish store bought gifts.  NONE of this was for me, it was all for friends.  Here is the guitar I did for my niece.  It didn't photograph all that well but you get the idea.

Other than that.... ya right, like I have any other time.  Looking forward to my 2 weeks off at Christmas.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A trip to the water park

We have seasons passes to Bingemans and after a whole summer of going the kids finally got the nerve to stand under the giant dumping bucket. (well almost... you an see my niece Emma running like mad to get out of its way)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another Holiday done

So we went camping in Tobermory and we saw rattlesnakes and beavers and ducks and turtles and frogs and chipmunks and birds....

The kids had a blast, I relaxed. it was all good.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

going back was hard

after almost 3 weeks of holidays I went back to work. It was not easy. Good thing I love my job and my kids...

I decided to start painting again. On my time off I visited some wonderful art galleries and the bug has bitten again. I seem to be doing less photography (can you hear JJ cheering in the background?) so I think I will pick up a brush again. I have some bare wall space that could stand to be filled.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wine Lover's Unite

Well what would a week of work be without a trip to Niagara-on-the-Lake to stock up on some favorite wines and find some new ones too.

Lailey vineyards is hands down our favorite, We bought an entire case there. Here are some photos from today from around the vineyards (Peller estate and Lailey)